Monday, August 17, 2009

Client Meeting

Today I was meeting with a client about a serious topic. And then he said,

"Do you like motorcycles?"

"No, actually I'm not a fan. Why do you ask?"

"I was going to ask you to go for a ride on my motorcycle sometime."

(At this point I'm trying not to look surprised.)

"Well thank you, but I'm not a fan."

(A few moments later he says...)

"Did I make you uncomfortable a few minutes ago? I didn't mean to. Its just that I find you very attractive."

"Thank you. No, you didn't make me uncomfortable at all. I'm flattered. But as you can imagine, we're not allowed to date clients."

I've been doing this job for 14 years - this is a first.

WTF? I looked like hell today.

Copulence, I tell you. This shit is potent.