Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dream weaver

I'm not the type of person who has recurring dreams. In fact, I don't usually sleep long enough, or deep enough, to have dreams. Then why, I ask you, have I been having dream after dream after dream about the same thing ....

That Guy.

You know, That Guy who really blows my skirt up And has for 10 years. But is married. And therefore off limits. As in: no way, no how. That Guy.

I'm not the kind of girl who would ever consider having a thing with a married guy. Ever. And that is not even up for consideration anyway. I don't even see this person very often. And really, I barely know him. And he probably doesn't even know I exist.


Okay then, why in the hell do I keep having dreams about That Guy? And why are they so realistic? And why do I remember them so vividly? And why do I deep down think this really means something?

It's unrealistic. It's ridiculous. It's totally stupid. It's unscientific. It's annoying. And yet, it keeps happening.

And shit -- I really do believe it means something.