Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Vote Wins

I was recently dating a nice guy who had a lot of opinions about parenting. Granted, it was nice to be dating a nice guy. And a guy who thought it was great that I'd had a daughter on my own. And a guy who cared enough to have opinions. Acknowledged.

But this guy had some opinions about parenting that didn't necessarily jive with mine. Private schools, preferably boarding schools, are the only way to go. Its great for parents to take small children out to late dinners in nice restaurants. Spoiling children with expensive toys is okay. All legit opinions, but just not mine.

I found myself listening to his opinions in a state of total calm. I didn't argue with him. I didn't get worked up. Ya know why? Because I knew his opinions didn't matter. It was bliss !!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I still believe that it would be great to be in a healthy, strong relationship with a fantastic guy. Who helps around the house. And is great in bed. And is a quiet sleeper. And does dishes. Yes, I'm still a believer.

But at the moment, every decision I make - about my daughter, and everything else - is unanimous and final. No discussions, no compromises, no conflicts. I win every time. I have to tell you .... it works for me.

So, until a pretty damn good match comes along, I vote that being a single parent is working for me -- and one vote wins.