Saturday, December 5, 2009


I've learned an interesting thing about dating in the single parents network .... if you're relatively young, in decent shape, and aren't leaking breast milk through your shirt or wearing jeans with an elastic waistband, you may be a M.I.L.F.

This is the one thing I may not mind having in common with Sarah Palin. That and the fact that we both hunt innocent animals from a helicopter with semi-automatic weapons ... oh right, just one thing.

I've found myself in a different solar system. In my past dating life, a 35-something single Jewish woman who wanted children was a ticking time bomb. Every such woman's profile on jdate is accompanied by the soundtrack to Mission Impossible, with a burning fuse leading to a petri dish of her last viable eggs.

But now that I have a baby, the background music to my profile has changed. Roll, "Whoomp, there it is!" with visuals of Teri Hatcher wearing a Cougar t-shirt and pushing a Bob's Revolution Stroller. Who knew?

I've received 153 messages on the single parents site in one month. That is an approximately 30:1 ratio of messages received in my prior dating life. Granted, most of these fathers are not F.I.L.F. In fact, few are even sitter-worthy (the post-baby comparison to sponge-worthy). And at $13/hour for a babysitter, I'm gonna need a little convincing before I answer, "Whose your Daddy?"